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28-Day Review
CEFREF tracks Headache- / Painkiller-Days over the last 28-days in 28-day periods. Data bars update day end.
Each bar consists of blocks indicating 'Mild', 'Moderate' and 'Severe' Headache-Days for that 28-day period. Light blue line indicates Painkiller-Days for that 28-day period. '-1' indicates last 28-days, '-2' indicated 28-days before that etc.
Headache-Days and Painkiller-Days for the highlighted 28-day period are displayed in circles below.
Day-to-day changes in the '-1' bar are represented as a trendline on the '28-Day-Average' chart.

Pressing background reveals all months.

Pressing circles at bottom of screen toggles between data sets.

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